Prof Çiğdem Çini, Marmara University wrote: We are organizing an International Textiles and Costume Congress on 4 to 6 November 2015 in Istanbul. This is a multinational organization in which Ars Textrina UK, Costume Culture Association (CCA) of South Korea, Kasetsart University in Thailand and ITB in Indonesia are involved; previous Congresses were held in these countries many times. This time the Congress will be hosted by Marmara University and I am the Congress Director and part of the international committee of the organisation.The program will include a Fashion Exhibition: “Fashion Futures” and a Textile Exhibition: “Art Textiles”.
The conferences will be attended by internationally acclaimed distinguished scholars and practitioners and provides good opportunity for presenting your research internationally. All accepted papers for the conference will be published in the refereed congress proceedings. All accepted abstracts and full papers will be published in the refereed congress proceedings and will be published electronically on the website www.itcc2015istanbul.org
Contact: Professor Çiğdem Çini / itcc.istanbul@gmail.com
ITCC2015 Congress Director, Head of Textile Department
Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts
Istanbul, Turkey
Paper abstract submission deadline: 30th June 2015
Full paper submission deadline: 30th July 2015
The deadline for applying to the exhibitions is:1st August 2015