Rita Merten, Switzerland: “Physical Distancing”,135 x 135 cm, 2020/21, cotton, different threads; mono print on cotton, machine-stitched and quilted, freehand machine embroidery; Doris Winter Memorial Award (shared); photo Beatrijs Sterk
8th European Quilt Triennial 2021
from 12 February to 24 April 2022 at the Zons District Museum, 41541 Dormhagen, Germany
Previously on display in Heidelberg and due to travel to St. Gallen later in the year, this exhibition shows amazing developments in the quilt art scene. I was last involved as a jury member in 2015, and at the time the quilting scene was already in transition. I wrote in the catalogue published that year: “Can we continue in the same way and keep demanding two or three layers of fabric in quilt competitions, knowing that the artists have already advanced beyond that? The Heidelberg Quilt Triennial now promotes such innovations and boundary crossings, and is regarded as being very open-minded”. This still applies today. The number of submissions has increased only slightly (from 136 to 159 works, still predominantly by female artists), but it seems to me that the variety of techniques and themes has increased and the works have become generally more demanding. This could be partially due to the depressing situation during the pandemic. It may have given participants more time to think and probably to experiment.
The two works which share the Doris Winter Memorial Prize both address the pandemic: Rita Mertens from Switzerland traces the social connections and symbolic hopes in emotional and creative ways, and Heidi König, also from Switzerland, aims to add a colourful and cheerful element to the daily bad news. Both works of art have a style all their own and are technically sophisticated and innovative. I was very happy with this choice. The winner of the prize for young female artists, Paulina Sadrak from Poland, was likewise a fortunate choice. The work reflects the process of combining meditative manual work with digital and machine procedures. The resulting piece created a poetic and very personal impression. Here, too, the technique was new and unusual. I found the award of the innovation prize to Hungarian artist Dora Marföldi somewhat less convincing. Her work was about traces of time, with the aid of recycled materials, as well as the growth of a mycelium. The process sounded more interesting than the result, but this may have been due to the work being hung on a brick wall. My choice for the innovation award would have been the piece by Teija Patrikka from Finland who used darned socks that can tell stories. I thought this was funny and innovative because I have never seen darned wool socks used in a quilt artwork.
The whole exhibition was a positive experience that made one happy, despite the sometimes very thought-provoking themes. It inspired confidence, and I hope that recognition by a larger public will not be long in coming. Since I found it so exciting I will try to show as many examples as possible so everyone can see for themselves.
The last stage of the exhibition is St. Gallen/CH from 7 October 2022 to 8 January 2023 at the Textile Museum, Vadianstrasse 2.
Heidi König, Switzerland:” Multi-Coloured”, 60 x 120 x 10 cm, 2020/21; black cotton fabric, black polyester fleece, polyester thread, oil pastel chalk; free machine stitched whole cloth, washed and dried to obtain more structure, painted with acrylic medium and oil chalk, cut into forms; Doris Winter Memorial Award (shared); photo Beatrijs Sterk
Paulina Sadrak, Poland: “9 x 11”, 185 x 104 cm, 2021; cotton, polyester threads; machine embroidery on handmade elements; Prize for talented young quilters under the age of 40; photo Beatrijs SterkPaulina Sadrak, Poland: “9 x 11”,detail, 185 x 104 cm, 2021; cotton, polyester threads; machine embroidery on handmade elements; Prize for talented young quilters under the age of 40; photo Beatrijs SterkDora Marföldi, Hungary:”Quicky”, 175 x 195 cm, 2020; upcycled hemp, cotton, linen, mycelium; hand stitched; Innovation Award; photo Beatrijs SterkTeija Patrikka/Finland:”Where did Everybody go?”,166 x 75cm, 2020/21; wool(old socks, hand dyed) hand-dyed wool yarn, polyester wadding, fabric; hand-sewn and quilted; photo Beatrijs SterkTeija Patrikka/Finland:”Where did Everybody go?”,detail, 166 x 75cm, 2020/21; wool(old socks, hand dyed) hand-dyed wool yarn, polyester wadding, fabric; hand-sewn and quilted; photo Beatrijs SterkRita Merten, Switserland: “Physical Distancing”, detail,135 x 135 cm, 2020/21, cotton, different threads; mono print on cotton, machine-stitched and quilted, freehand machine embroidery; Doris Winter Memorial Award(shared); photo Beatrijs SterkGabi Mett, Germany:”Oroghame”, 106 x 185 cm, 2019/20; hemp curtain, linen, bedsheets, embroidery thread, seeds, buttons, bead elements; appliqué, embroidry, darning, beading, trapunto, quilting, painting; photo Beatrijs SterkGabi Mett, Germany:”Oroghame”,, detail 106 x 185 cm, 2019/20; hemp curtain, linen, bedsheets, embroidery thread, seeds, buttons, bead elements; appliqué, embroidry, darning, beading, trapunto, quilting, painting; photo Beatrijs SterkAnke Kerstin, Germany: Interrelations, 174 x 141 cm, 2020; cotton, blended fabric, linen, viscose ; recycled shirts/clothes, partially overdyed; patchwork, machine quilted, machine stitched ; photo Beatrijs SterkAnke Kerstin, Germany: Interrelations, detail, 174 x 141 cm, 2020; cotton, blended fabric, linen, viscose ; recycled shirts/clothes, partially overdyed; patchwork, machine quilted, machine stitched; photo Beatrijs SterkSara Dochow, Spain: “Quilt for an Insomniac”, 142 x 148 cm, 2020/22; cotton, silk, wool, ribbon, felt, digitally printed fabric design, batting; hand quilted, embroidery, appliqué ; photo Beatrijs SterkSara Dochow, Spain: “Quilt for an Insomniac”,detail , 142 x 148 cm, 2020/22; cotton, silk, wool, ribbon, felt, digitally printed fabric design, batting; hand quilted, embroidery, appliqué; ; photo Beatrijs SterkBeatrice Lanter, Switzerland:”Transparency” 178 x 178 cm, 2020; polyester organza; Patchwork, cut with soldering iron, stitched together again by machine, two front sides laid against each other; photo Beatrijs SterkBeatrice Lanter, Switserland:”Transparency”, detail, 178 x 178 cm, 2020; polyester organza; Patchwork, cut with soldering iron, stitched together again by machine, two front sides laid against each other; photo Beatrijs SterkEszter Bornemisza, Hungary”:Snapshot”,158 x 102 cm, 2020; cotton base, various nets from vintage curtains, various kinds of tissue papers; dyed, printed, fused, machine stitched; photo Beatrijs SterkEszter Bornemisza, Hungary”:Snapshot”, detail ,158 x 102 cm, 2020; cotton base, various nets from vintage curtains, various kinds of tissue papers; dyed, printed, fused, machine stitched; photo Beatrijs SterkAlicia Merrett, UK :”CODE XYK”, 118 x 96 cm, 2020; cotton sateen digitally printed with the artist´s design; digital collage assembled from original images by the artist: altered iPad “paintings” and deconstructed photographs of cut-out letters; photo Beatrijs SterkEdith Bieri-Hanselmann,Switzerland:”Colorplay”171 x 133 cm; 2021;self-dyed and commercial cotton; old dyed damask bed linen; machine stitched, machine quilted with a household sewing machine; photo Beatrijs SterkEdith Bieri-Hanselmann,Switzerland:”Colorplay”, detail ,171 x 133 cm; 2021;self-dyed and commercial cotton; old dyed damask bed linen; machine stitched, machine quilted with a household sewing machine; photo Beatrijs SterkMonika Sebert, Germany:”Relationship 2″, 30 x 30 x 30 cm, 2020, cotton, fleece, polyester, silk embroidery thread, machine embroidery thread, acrylic paint; machine stitched and quilted, bobbin embroidery, shading with acrylic paint; photo Beatrijs SterkSofia Furmanov and Maria Bernhardt, Germany: “Connection”, 2020; photo Beatrijs SterkMichèle Samter, Switzerland:”Touch of Colour”170 x 179 cm, 2020/22; linen, cotton, silk, blended fabric, hand dyed and industrially ; patchwork, machine stitched and quiltedmanufactured; photo Beatrijs SterkUte Hanke, Germany:”State”200 x 200 cm, 2021; cotton, acrylic paint; machine quilted, painted with acrylic paint ; photo Beatrijs SterkRose Meyer-Hakelberg, Germany:”No Winter Blues”, 110 x 110 cm, 2020; cotton tulle; loose layers of tulle, machine stitched ; photo Beatrijs SterkAnco Brouwers-Branderhorst, Netherlands:”Crossing Borders 2D: Scandinavia”, 3 parts 250 x 81 cm, 2019,2020; cotton (hand dyed or painted), silk; patchwork, applique , machine sewn, machine quilted ; photo Beatrijs SterkAnco Brouwers-Branderhorst, Netherlands:”Crossing Borders 2D: Scandinavia”, detail, 3 parts 250 x 81 cm, 2019,2020; cotton (hand dyed or painted), silk; patchwork, applique , machine sewn, machine quilted ; photo Beatrijs SterkAnco Brouwers-Branderhorst, Netherlands:”Crossing Borders 2D: Scandinavia”, detail, 3 parts 250 x 81 cm, 2019,2020; cotton (hand dyed or painted), silk; patchwork, applique , machine sewn, machine quilted ; photo Beatrijs SterkMichaela Grigoleit, Germany: “POP1”, 185 x 120 cm,2020; cotton, silk, blended fabric, industrial manufactured, hand dyed,; patchwork, appliqué; Poto Beatrijs SterkEls van Baarle, Netherlands:”A Wide View”, 90x 125 x 6 cm, 2021; linen, silk, cotton; dyed and screen printed, stitched ; photo Beatrijs SterkView of the 8th European Quilt Triennial 2021 at Kreismuseum Zons in Germany; photo Beatrijs SterkView of the 8th European Quilt Triennial 2021 at Kreismuseum Zons in Germany; photo Beatrijs Sterk