This International Dutch Textile Biennial will be held from May to October 2015 at the Rijswijk Museum in Rijswijk, near The Hague. The opening time is planned especially for the Textile Festival and the 17th ETN Conference in Leiden with a special invitation for conference participants on 15 May, 2015 (date to be confirmed).
The aim of the Textile Biennial is to showcase the diversity and ingenuity of textile art. Artists who would like to participate are asked to submit a CD with high-resolution photographs of recent artworks, a curriculum vitae (in English) together with their website, e-mail and postal address to Museum Rijswijk. The jury headed by Biennale curator Anne Kloosterboer will take place in November 2014.
Address: Museum Rijswijk, Herenstraat 67, NL-2282 BR Rijswijk, the Netherlands; www.museumrijswijk.nl
Deadline: 31 August, 2014
Textile Forum magazine has reported on all three previous Dutch Textile Biennials in TF3/2009 page 9; TF3/2011 page 21 and TF 3/2013 page 13.
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