17th International Triennial of Tapestry, Lodz Poland
October 8th, 2022 – April 15th, 2023
In 2022, International Triennial of Tapestry, the oldest and the most important presentation of phenomena connected with the medium of textiles, will take place for the 17th time. Therefore, we invite all creators for whom a fabric is a source of inspiration, contexts and forms describing our world. Below, you can find the application form for the 17th ITT.
Application, important issues
- Entitled participants:artist or Art Groups from all over the world.
- Form and subject matter of the works: works should relate either in their layer of significance or their formal layer to the medium of textiles and take into consideration the watchword of the 17th ITT: ENTANGLED STATE.
- Limit of submitted works: each participant can send only one work made within the last 3 years.
- Dimensions and weight of the works: the entered two-dimensional works should not exceed the size of 3 x 3 m, while three-dimensional works should not exceed the size of 3 x 3 x 3 m. The weight of the work cannot exceed 100 kg.
- Application form is available:https://form.jotformeu.com/CMWL/karta-zgloszeniowa-do-triennale.
- Mandatory attachments to the application form:
current colour photograph of the Participant (in tiff or jpg format, 300 dpi);
b. between 1 and 7 colour photographs (in the aforementioned size) presenting as fully as possible the accomplished work (not its project). The photographs should show the work against a neutral background, presented in a way similar to its planned view on the exposition. - The languages of correspondence and application form: Polish, English.
In 2022, we have an opportunity to open the great textile feast for the 17th time. The International Triennial of Tapestry will again present a broad spectrum of phenomena in this field which for a few years has invariably been more and more popular amongst artists all over the world. In the previous edition, we changed the formula of the Triennial which opened it up to a broad group of creators, not only specialising in textiles but also finding in it an inexhaustible source of inspirations, contexts, forms most fully describing our world which must be redefined again.
The year 2022 will bring, as most of us hope, the end of the hazard related to coronavirus pandemic and clearer than now return to what we call “normality”. However, can be defined “normality” unequivocally? For a considerable part of people this word simply means a lack of the sense of hazard to health and life as a result of the disease which one year ago stopped the world. However, especially those living in richer parts of the globe, it is also a possibility of leaving home without limit, freedom of contacts, travelling, freedom in workplaces, access to cultural institutions, i.e. what had filled the life before the pandemic. Restrictions are slowly disappearing, and old problems which were not eliminated by the worldwide pandemic move to the forefront. Thus, we live in reality tangled with a network of dependencies, interests, conflicts. That is why we chose the slogan “Entangled state” to be the leitmotif of the upcoming Triennial. This term comes from the dictionary of physics, and to be more precise quantum mechanics and although it does not determine exactly the reality experienced by us by means of senses, it seems to define at the metaphoric level a range of phenomena we observe in our world.
Regulations of the competition:https://cmwl.pl/public/uploads/REGULATIONS_17_ITT_EN.pdf
Deadline of the competition: 22 February 2022
Contact: triennial17@cmwl.pl
Website of the Central Museum of Textiles, Lodz/Poland: https://cmwl.pl/public/informacje/17-miedzynarodowe-triennale-tkaniny,226
This information is provided by the organizers

View from the 16th International Triennial of Tapestry; photo Beatrijs Sterk

View from the 16th International Triennial of Tapestry; photo Beatrijs Sterk