View at the exhibition “Arte Textile Gran Formato”with works by Eszter Bornemisza” City Skins”(left); Sang Wook Lee “Ju Money 2015” (in front) and Claudia Cappiello “Flagbook” (to the right)
Diese Biennale fand von 5 Oktober bis 11 November 2017 an diverse Standorte in Montevideo statt. Die Organisatoren von World textile Art (WTA), under der Leitung von Pilar Tobon, haben grossartiges geleistet. Über 250 teilnehmenden Künstler, Kuratoren und Journalisten aus der ganze Welt waren bei den vielen Eröffnungen und Feierlichkeiten in der Stadt Montevideo anwesend. Ich werde hier die wichtigsten Ausstellungen publizierenund dabei einigen der Arbeiten von Preisträgern zeigen, angefangen mit der Ausstellung “Textilkunst im Grossen Format”, die im Ausstellungszentrum SUBTE in Zentrum von Montevideo stattfand. Zusammen mit Silke aus Argentinien und Lin Lecheng aus China war ich in der Jury dieser Ausstellung.
Juliana Uribe Villa: “They say love is forever” 2015, detail ; 280 x 100 x80 cm; embroidery, First Prize Large FormatTwo visitors making photos of the work by Juliana Uribe Villa, Colombia: “They say love is forever” 2015; 280 x 100 x80 cm; First Prize Large FormatVisitor admiring the work of Elvira del Carmen Imbach, Uruguay: Small witnesses within domestic interiors, 2016; 80 x 80 260 cm,different threads and glue ; Second Prize Large FormatElvira del Carmen Imbach, Uruguay: Small witnesses within domestic interiors, 2016; 80 x 80 260 cm ; Second Prize Large FormatEszter Bornemisza, Hungary: “City Skins”, 2015; 250 x 100 x 40 cm, journals, organza, silk and threads; Second Prize Large Format
Group Reltsneuk, Germany: “Fingerprint”, 2017; 280 x 100 cm, detail; silk, wool, linen, paper; felted; Third Prize Large FormatJovita Sakalauskaite(Lithuania) & Elvan Ozkavruk Adanir(Turkey): “Eternal Cycle: appear, disappear, rebirth”, 2016: 80 x 100 x 80 cm; silk , linen , wool; felted; Honorable MentionAmparo de la Sota, Spain: “Map”,2016; 80 x 175 cm; embroidery, linen on cotton; Honorable MentionAmparo de la Sota, Spain: “Map”,2016, detail; 80 x 175 cm; embroidery, linen on cottonTina Struthers, Canada:”S´effiler”, 2015; 91 x143 cm; quilting and embroidery; cotton, wool, silk, synthetic fibers, embroidery yarnVisitor in front of a work by Tina Struthers, Canada:”S´effiler”, 2015; 91 x143 cm; quilting and embroidery; cotton, wool, silk, synthetic fibers,embroidery yarn; Honorable MentionAriane Garnier, Costa Rica: “In my hands”, 2017; 250 x 107 x 50 cm; transfer print on fabric and torn fabric; Honorable MentionAriane Garnier, Costa Rica: “In my hands”, 2017, detail; 250 x 107 x 50 cm; transfer print on fabric and torn fabric; Honorable Mention
Yen – Yu Tseng, Taiwan: “A felting and weaving dream”, 2014, detail; 180 x65 x 2 cm; Jacquard-woven and felted; wool and cotton threadsYen – Yu Tseng, Taiwan: “A felting and weaving dream”, 2014; 180 x65 x 2 cm; Jacquard-woven and felted; wool and cotton threads